Monday, November 22, 2010

The Quest for Anderson Valley (and its discontents)

Over the years I had heard different people mention a gnar-gnar brewery in Northern California (the real middle-of-nowhere Norcal, not the Bay Area) called Anderson Valley. When I found myself in a place with varied and rare beers here on the east coast I would occasionally look for AVBC but never found it. A couple of months ago the NYTimes travel section did a piece on the winerias in the region and included some stuff about Anderson Valley and my curiosity was renewed. I was on a quest to find their beer in general, but in particular the Hop Ottin IPA, which in my understanding is the hot shit as far as AVBC goes. A few weeks ago I came across it, completely by accident, in a store I had never been to before and added it to my shopping cart. I was pretty stoked to finally have found this beer and eager to give it a try. So imagine my bum-0ut level when I got to a get-together at my friend's house, cracked my first AVBC brew-dog, took a sip that didn't taste very IPA-ish at all, and looked down to find I was holding their Amber Ale instead. I checked the rest of the sixer, thinking maybe I had grabbed a sampler pack, and found that someone (to be fair I have no idea if it was a mistake on the part of the brewery, the distro, or the store) had slid 6 Amber Ales into the slots of the Hop Ottin' box. It wound up not being too bad because A) the Amber Ale was pretty good and B) I noticed the label has a bear... with fucking antlers!!! which is hesh in an awesome way.

Fast forward to last Wednesday... I decide to try again. At the same store I found the IPA, checked each and every bottle in the sixer to make sure, and eagerly made my way to the cash register... where I paid $14 for a six pack. The beer itself was pretty good. Very strong IPA which I dig, with a distinctive dryness. One of the better IPAs I've had for sure, but probably not $14 level tight.

Monday, November 15, 2010

2 Seinfeld Observations

Over the weekend I was flipping channels and came across Seinfeld, and as usually happens, I wound up watching a few episodes in a row and wondering where the 2 hours went. Two things jumped out at me during this mini-marathon.

1. The Denise Richards appearance was very strange. She is supposed to play an NBC exec's 15 year old daughter but clearly looks way older. According to IMDB she was 23 at the time this episode aired. I know actors usually play younger characters but that was really a stretch. But more than that was just the sheer number of people who went on to become well known had little bits on Seinfeld. There is one in almost every episode.

2. When Jerry accidentally gets two women to agree to a threesome (and bails) George screams, "Do you ever get on your knees and thank God that you know me, and have access to my dementia!?" I hadn't seen that one in a while and as soon as I heard those words I had the crushing realization that someone other than me spoke those words first.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It has been just shy of a year since the last time I posted on this blog and I am back because why not?! My return to Don't F This UP coincides with that of Conando on the late night scene and that is more the kind of stuff I think I am going to be blogging about. BUT YOU NEVER KNOW!!!!

Although I am a Conan fan and was bummed about what happened at NBC I think the TBS experiment is doomed to fail. Going to cable is a different arena plus he is up against The Daily Show and the Colbert Report on Comedy Central, shows I suspect had a large cross over with his when he was on network TV. Add to that people that were Conan fans but don't tune in until later and I think he is going to have a hard time.

It would have made more sense (I think) for George Lopez to stay in the spot and continue to build on the succces he has had and let Conando come on at midnight. He would benefit from the lead in and probably bring in some of the Comedy Central viewers. Plus the later slot feels like it suits him more.

What I caught of the show last night was okay. I don't like Glee and that chick didn't change my mind. I will give it another try tonight though.